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Sunu Gaal (our Cayuco)

Feature documentary | 72′ | 2025 | Spain – Senegal
International Premiere

¿Why do so many young Africans dream of leaving for Europe?
¿Are they aware of the dangers of the journey and the reality that awaits them?

Feature documentary | 72′ | 2025 | Spain – Senegal

Direction: Josep T. Parìs
Production Company: Karavan Films


Sunu Gaal (Our cayuco) follows the lives of several young people from Senegal through the eyes of Mariatou, an 18-year-old girl who is fighting to travel to Europe; Árfa, a teenage fisherman; and Aliou, who bets online to finance his trip. The documentary shows us a young generation aware of racism in Europe, the new colonialism that is plundering their country’s resources, and the hunger for feminism among a generation of girls demanding greater freedom. We will meet young people who are determined, prepared, and have a clear goal: to travel to other countries, despite knowing that they may never even get there.