The Escape

Feature Documentary | 80′ | 2024 | Spain
International Premiere

The Escape introduces us to the victims of sexual abuse as minors for more than thirty years by two Jesuit priests in Barcelona.

Feature Documentary | 89′ | 2024 | Spain

Director: Josep Morell, Guillem Sánchez and Marc M. Sarrado
Production Company: 3Cat
Co-producers: Ottokar Editora Audiovisual, Prensa Ibérica Studio


The Escape delves into the story of two cases of abuse by Jesuits in two leading Barcelona schools: the Jesuits of Sarrià and the Jesuits of Casp. Lluís Tó and Francesc Peris, alias “Xesco”, were chaplains and Jesuit school teachers who abused boys and girls for more than thirty years. Both have a common element: they were both transferred to Bolivia by the Jesuit Order, where they continued their abuse with total freedom. Now it is their victims who explain and revisit the effects of these abuses. A journey into the darkness of impunity that unites the cities of Barcelona and Cochabamba.