The Negotiators. How to make Peace

Documentary | 86’| 2022 | Spain – Switzerland – Austria

“A journey into the conflict zones that are currently shaking our world”

Documentary | 86′ | 2022 | Spain – Switzerland – Austria

Director: Rosalind Bain
Production Companies: Ottokar Editora Audiovisual (Spain), First Hand Films (Switzerland), BSX SCHMÖLZER (Austria)


The Negotiators is a documentary that offers a reflective look at the identity and evolution of individuals who seek solutions to armed conflicts in the 21st century. Using some of the world’s most entrenched conflicts as a backdrop, we revisit their stories and, through the eyes of the negotiators, discover their work, their assessment of the situation, and the personal cost they bear while trying to resolve conflicts under the most difficult circumstances.
The film presents four negotiation stories with their protagonists in Colombia, Mexico, Norway, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and South Sudan.
Negotiation is an inherent part of our lives. We all have to negotiate for everything, all the time. It is something embedded in our DNA as human beings.